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Vested interests

October 22, 2012

Who are the different groups of people acting out of self-interest that allows Kausthub to get away with not even apologizing to all the women whom he has hurt.

• The family
• Senior members of the tradition, the ones who are deeply involved and the ones who are sidelined
• Close associates of Kausthub. Many of them are the most senior teachers in different countries, with significant personal and professional investment in Kausthub for decades
• Kausthub’s sanga
• Countless people who are eager and desperate to pay and learn, even when they have been aware of quite a lot

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  1. Shankar permalink

    So far this Kausthub’s Scandal has not appeared in any Main stream media ( Print / TV ) in Chennai /India and all the buzz is only from the internet . This shows how much power KYM has with regard to protecting their so called reputation . They say action speaks louder than words and hence I would like to wait and watch to see how KYM “really” responds to this Crisis .

    • Sincerity permalink

      In Europe, the Main stream Media can very easy be involved. tv and respected big newspaper would broadcast about the abuse within a week!
      It is not yet clear though if this is really needed.

      • yogadarsana permalink

        I think media exposure is important. So far the information has been and still is held only among the small group of people. Many of these people are heavily invested and don’t see a reason to destroy their investment, even when they are witnessing people being hurt badly.

  2. suresh permalink

    Shankar should be clear to you on KYM’s real response. I am sure lot of people will have lot of expectations, particularly arm chair commentators. I wonder why KYM is being dragged into this, from whatever little I know of KYM being a therapy patient myself, I think its unfair to expect a not for profit organisation to help people achieve individual objectives.

  3. Shankar permalink

    Mr.Suresh If the affected people are happy with KYM’s response I have no problems with the same .

  4. Suresh, women being abused in the name of yoga therapy is a serious social cause, not an individual’s objectives.

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